
Has Driscoll really repented of using bad language?

Phil Johnson preached an excellent sermon at the Shepherd’s Conference in which he spoke out against the trend of smut hirelings who reveal by their speech that they have a heart of stone’ [are unconverted]. In this wonderful exhortation of Scripture, Phil Johnson pleads to those people to ‘please step down from the pulpit’.

Here is the hyperlink to Phil Johnson’s powerful, biblically based sermon:

Phil Johnson reveals that he has written a 6 page letter of his concerns to Mark Driscoll. One question concerned Driscoll’s repentance for using bad language from the pulpit. Johnson replies to the claim that Driscoll has already repented of using bad language:

‘So I hear. I mentioned that fact in my letter to Driscoll and cited three well-known instances of ribald jokes and profane remarks that occurred long after he said he was sorry for past sins of the tongue. The first of my six questions to him was, “How do the above remarks differ from things you previously said you had repented of?” He did not answer that question.

Obviously, Driscoll did not think he was in the wrong for using crude, vulgar language from the pulpit. Even though we are admonished by the apostle Paul thusly–

‘But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks’ (Ephesians 5:4).

See web-link: