About us

This website has been developed by Dr ES Williams with the help of a faithful young brother in Christ. We are both Christian believers who follow the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689.

Dr Williams is an experienced medical doctor, with a post graduate degree in public health medicine. He was Director of Public for Croydon Health Authority for many years. He has an interest in Christian apologetics and has written a number of books including:

The Great Divorce Controversy (2000); Lessons in Depravity (2003); What is going on in Christian Crisis Pregnancy Counselling? (2005); The Outrage of Amoral Sex Education (2006); The Dark Side of Christian Counselling (2009); Christ or Therapy (2010); Seductive Theories of Marriage Education (2013); The New Calvinists (2014); Ecumenism: Another Gospel – Lausanne’s Road to Rome (2014)

You can learn about Mark Driscoll’s ministry in the book, The New Calvinists (2014), published by The Wakeman Trust and Belmont House Publishing.

The most recent books by ES Williams are Holistic Mission: Weighed in the Balances (2016), Christian Hedonism: A biblical examination of John Piper’s teaching (2017), and Is John Piper and Antinomian? (2018), available through Amazon.